2003 - 2021

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LOGOS A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy, Comparative Cultural Studies and Art


Lithuanian   Back

Logos 107

:.  Kęstutis Žemaitis
        Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania




Underground Seminary in Lithuania during the Years of Soviet Rule: Challenges and Activity Results

During the years of Soviet rule, the Church in Lithuania experienced the greatest constraints on its activities. The only Catholic seminary at that time was hindered from operating freely. There was a shortage of clergy in parishes. Under the initiative of more courageous priests, and especially of the leaders of some monasteries, an underground seminary was established. During its operation, dozens of priests were prepared not only for Lithuania, but also for missions in other republics of the Soviet Union. This underground priest seminary became an organization of resistance against the atheistic rule; it also helped develop Catholic spirituality and facilitated the activities of the official Priest Seminary in Kaunas.


Key Words: underground seminary, studies, clergy


The journal "LOGOS" is mainly devoted to scholarly studies in all areas of philosophy.
Editor-in-Chief - Dalia Marija Stančienė, Deputy Editor-in-Chief - Irena Darginavičienė, Copy Editors - Aldona Radžvilienė, John F.X. Knasas

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