2003 - 2018

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LOGOS A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy, Comparative Cultural Studies and Art


Lithuanian   Back

Logos 94

:. Salomėja Jastrumskytė
       Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Lithuania




Everyday Asthetics in M. K. Čiurlionis Epistolary Heritage

The article assumes that Čiurlionis’ creative heritage can be articulated from the perspective of everyday aesthetics. First, the conception of everyday aesthetics, currently in a stage of intense formation, is presented without encompassing all of its current multifaceted aspects and branches. Second, the main questions posed in the article include: How far has Čiurlionis experienced his everyday life aesthetically? How much did he reflect it? Did he understand everyday life and its constituent elements separately or subordinated to art? Can these miscellaneous aesthetic experiences of everyday life that Čiurlionis so subtly documented in his letters and other writings, be researched in the everyday life conception of aesthetics.


Key Words: everyday life, everyday aesthetics, aesthetic experience, Čiurlionis


The journal "LOGOS" is mainly devoted to scholarly studies in all areas of philosophy.
Editor-in-Chief - Dalia Marija Stančienė, Deputy Editor-in-Chief - Gintautas Vyšniauskas, Copy Editors - Aldona Radžvilienė, John F.X. Knasas

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